The Click tips require no tools to change; simply insert the cord deep into the tip, twist and release. The tips will remain secure until you change them, thanks to the Click’s revolutionary locking mechanism! |
Addi ToGo Heart Shapped Needle Stoppers
Never worry about losing your stitches! Whether you are putting down your work for a short time or taking it with you the addiToGo heart shapped needle holders will make sure your stiches stay on the needles. These heart shapped needle holders work on both straght and circular needlesand all materials. The spring load holds tight and won't come loose in your project bag.
Each package contains 2 holders. The small heart works with US000- US 8 and the large heart works with needles sizes US 9 - 15
Addi Love Heart Shaped Stitch Markers
Show your project some love with these adorable heart-shaped locking stitch markers from addi®! The addiLove stitch marker hearts make knitting easier. You can use them to mark sections of a complicated pattern by slipping them though a stitch or to indicate the beginning of a round.
For use with needles up to 6mm/US 10. Each package contains 6 markers.
click here to purchase
The addi Turbo® Click system provides 10 different sizes of addi Turbo® tips (3.5mm, 3.75mm, 4.0mm, 4.5mm, 5.0mm, 5.5mm, 6.0mm, 8.0mm, 9.0mm, and 10.0mm), US 4-15 three different lengths of the new, extremely pliable blue cord (24”, 32” and 40”), and one connector piece which helps to either store stitches or combine your cords. The Click tips require no tools to change; simply insert the cord deep into the tip, twist and release. The tips will remain secure until you change them, thanks to the Click’s revolutionary locking mechanism! $169.90
The addi Bamboo Click system provides 8 different sizes of addi Bamboo tips (3.5mm, 3.75mm, 4.0mm, 4.5mm, 5.0mm, 5.5mm, 6.0mm, and 8.0mm), US # 4 - 11,three different lengths of our new, extremely pliable blue cord (24”, 32” and 40”), and one connector piece which helps to either store stitches or combine your cords. The Click tips require no tools to change; simply insert the cord deep into the tip, twist and release. The tips will remain secure until you change them, thanks to the Click’s revolutionary locking mechanism!
HeartStopper end-caps are a versatile addition to the most comprehensive interchangeable knit and crochet system available, the addi Click System. $15.50
click here to purchase
Addi Click SOS Lifeline Cords
Unraveling a knitted project is never an easy task, and it often leads to dropped stitches and wasted time. However, knitting with the patent-pending cord allows for the effortless insertion of a lifeline as you knit! To open the lifeline eyelet, simply grasp the cord on each side of the eyelet and press together. Thread your lifeline yarn through the eyelet, and continue working as normal. When not in use, the eyelet collapses on itself and disappears into the cord.
Cat's Magical Markers
6 easy to use zinc with gold plating stitch markers labeled from A to F. These markers are designed to fit addi Lace and Turbo circular needle sizes 2.25 through 4.00mm. They can be slipped onto the needle or clipped over the cord in alphabetical order
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